How to profitably stream to a small audience and make money on VIP Traffic

There is an opinion that in the world of streaming, big earnings are available only to those who have a large audience. However, we decided to debunk this myth using the example of our partner, who proves that high income in streaming is possible even with a small audience and low reach.
Are you ready to learn how beginners can make money from streaming?

Then let’s go!

Is it profitable to stream with a small audience?

Microbloggers continue to remain relevant and this trend is gradually moving into nanobloggers. Brands are now trying to work with influencers who have no more than 10,000 followers due to higher engagement rates. Advertising with small bloggers is more profitable because users tend to trust them more than millionaire bloggers.

In fact, we are entering an era when everyone can call themselves a blogger.
As for streamers, the same rules apply. By starting to stream early in their career, a streamer can effectively monetize their activities and attract the attention of brands, which contributes to the return on traffic. For beginning streamers, the audience is often much more loyal and active, and accordingly, interaction with it brings great results: this audience buys.
A streamer with a small audience has more freedom to experiment with content, promotions and partnerships. This allows you to quickly adapt to viewer preferences and optimize your monetization strategy. In particular, a novice streamer has the opportunity to choose a special category of people, for example, VIP players who are ready to make big bets, and adapt their content to them.

What does this give?

Low coverage = high rates.

A streamer of a IGaming product with content designed for a specific category of users, even with a narrow target audience, can successfully attract players interested in gambling and high stakes. Thus, it is very profitable to work for an audience of VIP players.

Source of VIP traffic.

If a streamer actively attracts VIP subscribers by creating high-quality, targeted content, this provides a stable and highly profitable source of traffic. Influential, wealthy viewers are only interested in high stakes. Working with this category of players is a real opportunity to increase a streamer’s income.

Audience trust and loyalty.

The streamer who becomes a partner is one of the first to present the brand and rock it. This creates the basis for building trust with the audience and helps strengthen the connection between the product and the viewers. Users also develop loyalty, which in the long term ensures a stable flow of traffic and, accordingly, high income.

Case CatAffs

Early entry into the brand is a lucky ticket. The beginning of the development of a IGaming brand is the best time to flood traffic, as this is a chance to maximize your income in the future. In the IGaming industry, you need to get involved in a project in time, since early partnerships and cooperation with a brand provide exclusive access to VIP traffic.
You can immediately target a specific audience, as our partner did.

small number of registrations, but good FTD

What is the advantage of working with CatAffs offers?

➡️Clean database and no multi-accounts.

This means more leads will qualify.
By becoming one of the first brand partners, the streamer receives exclusive opportunities in the form of higher priority and privileges. Thanks to a clean game base, fresh news feeds and engaging game mechanics, which are often intentionally introduced into the product, the quality of traffic improves and conversion increases.

​➡️ Brands are warmed up in the media, prize mechanics are being prepared for releases and news feeds are being created.

For example, the Kent project was recently released, where a drawing for a new Aston Martin DB12 car was used as a prize mechanic.

➡️ Huge pool of functionality for streamers

– streamer wheel
– entry page on Daddy
– cool media plan for tournaments for the year

These tools allow you to organically attract and retain the attention of viewers, even for partners with a small audience or for beginners. Offers are specially tailored to make it easy for streamers to engage their audience in a variety of ways. Thanks to these ready-made solutions and built processes, the work of our partners becomes much more efficient.


This case confirms that the ability to effectively monetize content and interact with the audience have a more significant impact on success than the number of subscribers. Audience size is not the only determining factor in the ability to make money from streaming.

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